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Original Article
The relationship between dental students' perceptions of their educational environment and their life satisfaction and psychological resilience
Aims: Students' positive perceptions of the learning environment increase learning efficiency by contributing to increased participation. The purpose of this study is to examine the relationship between students' perceptions of the educational environment and life satisfaction and psychological resilience.
Methods: As part of the research, students were asked questions under 7 subheadings, including age, gender, parents' health status, education level, number of siblings, family income level, systemic diseases, if any, and their impressions of the faculty. In addition, life satisfaction and psychological resilience scales were administered face-to-face. Chi-square and Kruskal-Wallis tests were used to analyse the data. The significance level was set at p = 0.05.
Results: A majority of undergraduate students (90.8%) reported positive initial impressions of their educational institutions. Additionally, a considerable proportion (93.4%) indicated satisfaction with the physical infrastructure, including the number of classrooms and laboratories. While 68.4% of respondents indicated that the intensity and cost of the educational process was negative, 77.6% reported that dental education was stressful. The psychological resilience of the students was examined, and it was found that 44 (57.8%) exhibited low resilience, 23 (30.2%) exhibited medium resilience, and 9 (11.8%) exhibited high resilience. In terms of life satisfaction, 26 (34.2%) of the participants were found to be at a medium level, 13 (17.1%) at a high level, and 3 (3.9%) at a very high level. Nevertheless, 36 (47.3%) of the participants exhibited a low level of life satisfaction.
Conclusion: Despite the generally positive perceptions of the faculty held by students, they perceive the cost of dentistry education as high and the stress associated with it as considerable. Given that students' life satisfaction is low and their psychological resilience is moderate to weak, it is necessary to review educational programmes and psychological support systems.

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Volume 2, Issue 2, 2024
Page : 33-39