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Original Article
Knowledge level and clinical approaches of dentists in Turkiye on controlled extraction of poorly prognosed permanent first molars
Aims: This study aims to evaluate the level of knowledge and clinical approaches of general dentists and dentists with different specialties in Turkey about the controlled extraction of young permanent first molars (PFM) with poor prognosis in children.
Methods: The questionnaire study consisted of 23 questions measuring the demographic data of dentists, dentists' opinions and information needs about the controlled indications and extraction criteria of PFM teeth. The survey questions were administered online via Google Form on a voluntary basis. Shapiro Wilk's, Kolmogorov Simirnov and Kruskal Wallis-H tests were used for statistical analysis of the parameters.
Results: A total of 261 dentists participated in our survey study, including 48 pediatric dentists, 11 orthodontists, 12 oral and maxillofacial surgeons, 34 dentists with a different specialty and 156 general dentists. 93.1% of the participants stated that they considered controlled extraction of PFM teeth in children at the ideal age range as a treatment method. The proportion of all dentists practicing controlled extraction as a treatment in children was 52.11%. It was observed that dentists, except pediatric dentists and orthodontists, had a low level of knowledge about compensation and balancing extractions. The average knowledge score was 6.08 (out of 9) in terms of the answers given to the questions regarding the level of knowledge. Pediatric dentists and orthodontists had the highest knowledge score, while general dentists and oral and maxillofacial surgeons had the lowest knowledge score.
Conclusion: It was determined that general dentists considered controlled extraction of PFMs as a treatment method, but preferred to refer the patient to pediatric dentists or orthodontists at the point of application. Pediatric dentists and orthodontists had higher knowledge scores regarding controlled extraction. The proportion of dentists who thought that the subject of controlled extraction was not sufficiently covered in undergraduate or graduate courses and that there was a lack of guideline on this subject was quite high.

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Volume 2, Issue 4, 2024
Page : 103-108