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Prevalence and awareness level of temporomandibular joint dysfunction among undergraduate and graduate dentistry students
Aims: The aim of this study is to investigate the presence and prevalence of temporomandibular joint dysfunction (TMD) among undergraduate and graduate dentistry students, as well as their awareness of TMD.
Methods: After the study details and research questions were explained to the volunteer participants, survey forms were distributed. Participants were instructed not to write their names on the forms, which were collected in random order. The survey included the Fonseca Anamnestic Index, translated into Turkish by the researchers, along with additional demographic questions. Responses were analyzed using descriptive statistics, the Chi-Square test, or the Fisher Exact test. Differences between groups were determined with Dunn’s Bonferroni Test. p-values below 0.05 were considered statistically significant.
Results: According to the Fonseca Anamnestic Index, there is a significant association between TMD and gender. The rate of severe TMD in females (96.77%) was found to be significantly higher than in the mild TMD and no TMD groups. A significant relationship was also observed between class level and TMD (p=0.023); however, this difference is attributable to graduate students. Moderate TMD (26.25%) and severe TMD (25.81%) levels were higher among graduate students compared to the no TMD group (8.94%). No significant association was found between living arrangements (living with family or alone) and TMD. Additionally, no relationship was established between the department in which graduate students were enrolled and the presence of TMD.
Conclusion: This study conducted with undergraduate and graduate dentistry students primarily highlights the relationship between TMD, gender, and class level. The findings suggest a high level of TMD awareness and motivation for treatment among participants. The study did not establish a relationship between class level and TMD at the undergraduate level, nor between the department of study and TMD at the graduate level.

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Volume 2, Issue 4, 2024
Page : 85-90