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Case Report
Office type vital teeth bleaching: presentation of four cases
The tooth color, which is primarily determined by the dentin tissue, is also influenced by the color, transparency, and thickness of the enamel. Color changes in teeth that occur over time due to intrinsic or extrinsic factors are a significant aesthetic issue that requires treatment. Discoloration, especially in the front teeth, leads to a loss of self-confidence in patients, and as a result, they are unable to smile comfortably. It is usually possible to remove extrinsic stains, which are associated with poor oral hygiene and the consumption of certain foods and beverages throughout the day, using mechanical cleaning methods. In the removal of intrinsic stains, vital whitening (bleaching) is preferred over more invasive treatment methods. Vital tooth whitening, which is considered a minimally invasive approach, includes procedures performed by the dentist in the office (in-office) or at home by the patient under the dentist's guidance. In both applications, the active ingredient in the materials used is hydrogen peroxide( H²O²) or carbamide peroxide. These agents can be used alone or in combination with activation methods such as heat or light. The aim of this study is to demonstrate the effectiveness of in-office whitening treatments in various discoloration cases.

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Volume 2, Issue 4, 2024
Page : 114-118