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The use of polyetheretherketone material as an occlusal splint
Occlusal splint is a treatment alternative that gives positive results in reducing the symptoms of temporomandibular diseases. This treatment involves placing an appliance made of various materials specifically for the cutting and chewing surfaces of the teeth. The most popular materials used in the construction of occlusal splints are soft and hard acrylic-based materials such as polymethylmethacrylate, ethylene vinyl acetate, polycarbonate, polyethylene terephthalate and polyetheretherketone. PEEK is a high performance, semi-crystalline, thermoplastic and thermally stable polymer belonging to the polyaryletherketone family. PEEK, which has very good dimensional stability against intraoral temperature changes, is not affected by the intraoral chemical environment. Since PEEK material is chemically stable, has high biocompatibility and abrasion resistance, its use as an occlusal splint material has become widespread today. The aim of this review is to provide information about occlusal splints produced using PEEK material and digital procedures, which are becoming increasingly popular in dentistry, and to contribute to the literature.

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Volume 2, Issue 2, 2024
Page : 43-46