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An overview to biocompatibility of resin based restorative materials
Nowadays, resin based materials find a wide range of use in dentistry due to their aesthetic properties, mechanical durability and cost advantages. Dentistry materials; They can have an effect because they are in direct contact with various tissues such as gums, tongue, lips and cheeks, in addition to periodontium, pulp, dentin and enamel. It is important that resin materials produced with new technologies to be used in restorative dentistry not only have mechanical, physical, functional and aesthetic properties, but also be carefully evaluated in terms of biological compatibility. The purpose of this review is to review the basic concepts and methods related to biocompatibility, to present data from studies on the cytotoxicity of resin-based materials, and finally to make recommendations for clinical applications.

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Volume 1, Issue 4, 2023
Page : 109-116