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Pre-mixed calcium silicate-based cements: a literature review
In dental treatment procedures such as exposure of the pulp, root perforation, apexification or revascularization due to traumatic injuries, it is very important to ensure the tissue repair process. In this way, the formation of a mineralized barrier can be induced. The most commonly used material for this purpose is MTA. However, its disadvantages are the long curing time, difficult manipulation and the need to apply moist absorbent cotton after the process. Pre-mixed calcium silicate cements (CSC), which allow easy application, have become very popular in recent years. This review aimed to compare and present the literature on pre-mixed CSC.

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14. Shokouhinejad N, Gorjestani H, Nasseh AA, Hoseini A, MohammadiM, Shamshiri AR. Push-out bond strength of gutta-percha with a newbioceramic sealer in the presence or absence of smear layer. Aust EndodJ. 2013;39(3):102-6.
15. Lovato KF, Sedgley CM. Antibacterial activity of endosequenceroot repair material and proroot MTA against clinical isolates ofEnterococcus faecalis. J Endod. 2011;37(11):1542-6.
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Volume 1, Issue 1, 2023
Page : 23-26